

SPIPS strives to assist the youngsters to grow taller among the community by sheer strength of knowledge and character acquired through aspiration, inspiration, and perspiration which all put together is also the mono of the school. The aim is the overall development of the personality of a child. The school is aware of making the new generations good human beings and responsible citizens. The spirit of lending a helping hand is imbibed in the students to give warmth to the relations rich culture of Himachal Pradesh.


S.P.I.P.S recognition is the result of excellent educational opportunities and the diligent efforts of our students and staff. High academic standards and clearly stated policies that are consistently enforced are critically linked to our successful tradition here at S.P.I.P.S. S.P.I.P.S students have an established tradition of demonstrating their school spirit in a multitude of ways. They not only are recognized in the community for academic achievements but also for their active participation and noteworthy accomplishments in a broad range of extracurricular activities. The students are friendly, enthusiastic, and cooperative whether they are involved as leaders, performers, participants or spectators. The faculty and administration are confident that present and future students will not only continue the spirit of S.P.I.P.S but will also contribute to its growth and expansion.


An architect's delight, the auditorium equipped with the latest technology is the school's pride. Its multipurpose usage for Assembly Functions, Parent Orientations, and Lesson Enrichment and as a Lecture Room makes good utility of space for learning. Performances take place in a variety of places, including the Multi-purpose Hall and the open-air amphitheatre

Theatre Room

Activity Hall

Rest Rooms


Our Academic Achievers


Recent Activities

"Janmashtami Celebration" 2024

"Janmashtami Celebration" 2024

"Janmashtami Celebration" 2024

Our Guiding Spirits